“World War III: China vs. The United States” by Jagdish Gambhir is a gripping geopolitical thriller that explores the escalating tensions between two superpowers, China and the United States. Set in a near-future world, the book vividly portrays the high-stakes conflict arising from the South China Sea crisis, with global stability hanging in the balance. As the two nations teeter on the brink of war, the story goes into the complexities of international diplomacy, the personal sacrifices of those involved, and the pursuit of peace against all odds. Gambhir’s narrative provides a thought-provoking glimpse into a world where the consequences of a global conflict are both haunting and all too real.
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Author Bio:
Jagdish Krishanlal Arora, a prolific author born on June 30, 1971, in Nashik, India, possesses a diverse literary portfolio that spans across an array of genres and subjects. His expansive repertoire reflects an insatiable curiosity and a profound dedication to exploring multifaceted facets of human existence and knowledge.
Jagdish Arora’s works exhibit a vast array of subjects, catering to readers’ diverse interests and curiosities, reflecting his wide-ranging knowledge and dedication to sharing insights across various domains.