Interview With Author Yulonda T Griffin
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Yulonda T. Griffin, Ph.D., better known as Dr. G is ordained, licensed, called, and elected to preach and teach the gospel of the good news of the return of the coming of Yeshua the Messiah. Dr. G is the founder of Beit El ‘The Place Where God LIV”, an online bible study of believers searching the scriptures. Known as a Master Teacher, She teaches a weekly bible study on Wednesday nights at 6 pm and Torah Parasha on Saturdays at noon Central Standard Time paralleling the Old and New Testaments. She loves helping people thrive and live wholesome lives.
Saved over 30 years ago under the pastoral guidance of Bishop Paul S. Morton, she thrived from glory to glory being elevated from minister to elder and Chief Administrator of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship serving 25 years.
Today, her most precious prize is Yeshuah and the call placed upon her life as an End-time Watchman. She is dedicated to the study of the end-time and celebrating the Lord’s feasts. Dr. G teaches a weekly apostolic leadership class helping leaders understand their purpose in God.
Dr. G is a Small Business and Finance Consultant and is the CEO of LIV Consultants, a financial company committed to helping individuals and small business owners grow their money and business. She is also an Institutional Teacher. Dr. G has 40+ years of business experience and encompasses the designations of Certified Business, Finance, Credit, Real-estate, and Mortgage Consultant. Dr. G is a former loan originator, and a real estate guru as an investor and consultant, bringing over twenty years of real estate experience. She also trades the Forex, Cryptocurrency, and stock markets. Dr. G holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Human Services with a specialization in Management of Nonprofit Agencies from Capella University and an MBA in Global Management. Dr. G is on a mission to help consumers raise their credit scores and create a diversified financial portfolio. In the latest edition of her books “Step-by-Step Credit Repair: Do It Yourself,” and “Business Credit ABCs”; readers or growing their businesses and credit scores. Many consumers have improved their financial wealth through her top-selling book: “Man Survival Kit: Using the World Systems through God’s Word”. For more information referencing her professional background please visit
Formerly the host of the weekly TV talk show “The Money Factor”, Dr. G taught economic, business, and money management strategies to thousands of viewers. Dr. G is described as an innovative, motivated Business, Finance, and Credit Coach. Dr. G is currently an instructor at several universities and colleges. She now directs all of her energies to teaching, writing, and exploring the Word of God. Her newest book “The Truth – A Christian Catechism” is her first stab as an indie author. She likes studying and sharing the word of God from an eschatology perspective. In her new book “The Truth”, she challenges readers to research the scriptures seeking the true meaning of Jesus. Dr. G goes deep in her book “The Truth”, as she challenges her readers to test the 10,000 synthetic religions of the world against the bible, the longest book alive and well. She is learning to embrace this new call on her life to become a spiritual author starting her next book titled “Eat or Die”.
Dr. G lives a fulfilled life enjoying 30+ years of marriage to her wonderful husband Marty; she’s the mother of two beautiful daughters and loves being a GiGi to seven grandchildren. Her most precious gratitude is the call to be the End-time Watchman in these last and evil days. If you want to learn and understand the biblical end-times, if you want to learn apostolic leadership then Dr. G is the Master Teacher for you.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my latest book is “The Truth – A Christian Catechism”. I was inspired to write the book through my bible study students who desired written material. I did not know I could write so much. I discovered I could really put all my visions, dreams and revelations to pen sharing with all the world to see.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
My writing habits are just writing. It took me a while to understand that journalism is the first step to writing; just do it. I just write and worry about the proofing logistics later. Besides, that’s why authors hire editors to make sure their book is flowing. I’m an indie author, so I have a lot to learn, but I’m excited and ready to embrace the journey.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Drew Brees the New Orleans Saints quarterback. I read his book and was inspired by his story. I loved the transparency he shared about his truth in the moments of despair and doubt. Drew’s story encouraged me to move forward with what I believe God has called me to do and that is write and teach.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on marketing my book “The Truth”. I’ve learned that writing is the easy part. Self-publishing is a challenge, especially the marketing. Therefore, I’m researching, reading, and taking notes about marketing.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
To be honest, I don’t have a method right now. I am a newbie, a baby in this author industry and I’m learning it’s a field wide and large. At present, I am visiting the website lie the Awesome Gang who offer indie authors an opportunity to express themselves and market their books. I’m enjoying the ride; it’s been a roller coaster.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
My advice for new authors – create a plan and budget. Project as much as possible before writing the book. Search out and hire the people who have a track record for success. Understanding, marketing and public relations is a must.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Nothing beats a failure but a try. If you believe it you will receive it because destiny will find a way. Destiny has to happen; nothing can stop it. Only believe.
What are you reading now?
I’m reading “Author Blueprint” by Joanna Penn. I have been told by a group of over 500,000 writers, she is the best in providing direction to self publishing and marketing. Her book is free as a pdf download or purchase for $10 bucks. Big things come in small packages.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Currently, all my attention is on marketing “The Truth”. I have a next book title in my head and have started jotting notes as they come.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Bible.
Coming Back Stronger by Drew Brees
Pigs in the Parlor by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond
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