Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I have written 5 books and 2 Social Ecommerce Planners.
I am an eCommerce business consultant, speaker, Shopify partner, lecturer, and bestselling author. I have been coaching and teaching business for 30 years but ecommerce for 10+ years. I help people get their products online and selling internationally with Amazon, Shopify etc.
I teach authors how to get paid in 3 days! and grow their email list to bring their readers back for more.
I also help them create micro videos to educate their readers on their books, lessons, which helps to sell more books. Creating ideas of how to sell more than books from their stores is essential for the times when books sales go down.
78% Of commerce businesses will fail in 2022. Most entrepreneurs have only a vague idea how to set up their business. In my new book, I provide business owners with the right way to start their online business to show them how to take advantage of the internet. What’s more, they don’t have to be tech-savvy to get up and running quickly.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is Shopify Made Easy – Optimize Your Store.
I get the same questions all the time. How can I make more sales, how can I attract more customers.
In this book I show them all the different marketplaces they can sell to and also how to keep their websites/stores optimized for conversions and Google searches.
I love helping people with ideas and get very excited when they are successful.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not that I know of but I start writing in bed with my first cup of tea! Since I am a granny I always feel like Charlie and the Chocolate factories grandparents – not getting out of bed immediately and waiting for my tea!
Then I go for a walk and back to my book for another hour or so before I have meetings.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I actually started writing because I wanted to give a book when doing lectures or speaking engagements. I felt left out when I attended one in CA! Everybody said…it is a business card and you will get more speaking gigs. You won’t sell that many books!
2 years later and I am now selling 100+ book regularly every month just with my first book and I have just launched my next 2 in Dec 2021 and the latest one about 1 week ago. And my sales have been going up to 125+ already. I am having way too much fun doing this.
What are you working on now?
I am working on my 4th book in my 7 book series – Shopify Made Easy – Positioning Your Brand.
That should be out end of Feb – March, 2021.
I am also working on a short book – 115+ Ways To Market Your Products or Services (no title yet)
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Amazon and Shopify right now for websites.
I am going to be selling on Ebay and all the other Ebook marketplaces by end of the month.
And I do Live recordings regularly on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter and get invited to Amazon Live.
Amazon Ads
And promoting it to sites like this when I publish
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Treat your writing like a business. Know your goals for your business and not just your goal writing. Have a contingency plan if you sell on KDP so you can get paid before the 90 days!
Know where your customers are and how are they going to get to know you.
Treat your Amazon author page like a business brochure. Make sure you utilize all your assets.
Start writing blogs and feed them to your Amazon author page.
There are lots more tips but this is good right?
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Give yourself the gift of time!
What are you reading now?
Pat Flynn – Superfans
Burning Cove – Amanda Quick
(I read at least one fiction ebook a day maybe 2 days…)
What’s next for you as a writer?
Write more business books – I have 2 more ideas after the Shopify series.
Get more planners out and improve my planner.
Every year I have to update part of my series because Shopify updates all the time.
Create my courses – I will have 3 for my books by end of March.
Keep getting my name out so people buy my books 🙂
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Anything the Jayne Krentz writes.
Maybe a really super sexy book so I won’t forget about sex!
The next 2 I will have to find to get off the island, but:
How to build a boat from scratch
How to navigate the stars 🙂
Author Websites and Profiles
Veronica Jeans Website
Veronica Jeans Amazon Profile
Veronica Jeans’s Social Media Links
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account
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