About Murderous Depths: A romantic, sexy murder mystery with humor, intrigue, and suspense
Sam awoke, not knowing where she was.
Her body was crunched up in a ball, and the cedar closet smell assailing her nostrils brought back memories of Grandma’s cottage.
She didn’t open her eyes. Moving set off the Fourth of July inside her head, and reaching out caused a thick, wooden splinter to bore into her index finger. She jerked her hand back and brought it to her mouth. What was this, a coffin?
The sticky bump on her forehead was tender. Panic bubbled steadily inside her, rising upward.
Where was she?
Finally rustling up the courage, she opened her eyes.
This was worse, far worse. Time stood still in utter blackness. The silence was deafening. There was no whispering of palms, no thrashing of waves–nothing existed around her. She screamed, and her voice echoed inside the tiny box, ricocheting against the wood and slamming back into her ears. She pounded the walls and kicked the sides until, suddenly, another sensation registered.
Falling. Down, down, down. To an eventual thump.
And then she felt it. Water—the frigid water had also seeped into her socks.
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